Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems can streamline business communications, but like any technology investment, you need to consider its direct and indirect costs. Here are the different costs you need to account for when owning a VoIP system.
4 VoIP system costs you need to consider
Evaluating the total cost of VoIP systems
Virtualization: Best practices for newbies
How much does a VoIP system cost?
There are so many VoIP phone systems in the market that you’re bound to come across a few with similar features and add-on services. When this happens, most business owners will compare the price and purchase the more affordable option. But you shouldn’t only be looking at the initial price of the VoIP system; you must also look at the total cost of ownership (TCO).
What is TCO?
The TCO is the overall sum of procuring, deploying, and operating a VoIP system has over its life cycle, which is typically five years.
Beginner’s guide to virtualization
Deciding to invest in virtualization technology is one of the easiest decisions you can make. By consolidating computing resources into physical servers, businesses can enjoy easy IT management and massive cost savings. What’s not so easy, however, is the deployment process, which requires careful planning and implementation of best practices.
Tips for smart BI planning
Implementing Business Intelligence (BI) software and other tools can help your company grown by leaps and bounds. However, it has to be planned for with the proper level of diligence and care to truly be beneficial to your business. Haphazardly installing BI software can result in an expensive misstep that sees you fall behind the competition.