5 G Suite updates and improvements in 2017

Google’s cloud platform G Suite has been getting a lot of attention from businesses recently. It’s an incredibly powerful tool that enhances collaboration, boosts productivity, and cuts IT costs. And just when you thought it couldn’t any better, Google releases monthly updates for their cloud software. To save you the trouble of looking through pages […]

Play with a live virtualized desktop today!

Whether or not you understand virtualization, there’s a good chance you’ve never had a hands-on experience with a virtualized desktop. As one of the most basic applications of virtualization technology, network-based desktops are the perfect example of how businesses can benefit from any form of virtualization. Read on to test out an example desktop! What […]

Docs.com shares users’ sensitive files

Have you recently created and uploaded a Microsoft file on Microsoft’s free document-sharing platform, docs.com? Did you know that other than yourself and the small group of people you wish to share documents with, your uploaded documents can be publicly viewed and searched via Google or Bing? Regardless of your reasons for using docs.com, your […]

SMBs and social media policy reviews

We live in an age overflowing with information, and most of this is taking place in social media feeds and timelines. Social media is truly a window to the entire world, but it can be detrimental to your business if your employees are just messing about with hashtags, tweets, and likes all day. Annual social […]

What will happen without Windows Vista?

As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” Microsoft is saying goodbye to its 10-year-old operating system, Windows Vista. This means that from April 11th onwards, Windows Vista users won’t be receiving essential security and software updates. How much will this affect small- and medium-sized businesses? Windows Vista Launched worldwide on […]

Wikileaks’ charges of government spying

Staving off malicious cyber attackers is already a herculean task, so the last thing you need is to feel exposed from a totally new angle. That’s how many felt after Wikileaks’ accusations that the US government was spying on its citizens. However, the truth is a lot different from what the headlines would have you […]

Boost user productivity with MyAnalytics

Machine learning is all the rage nowadays, and few vendors are providing as many solutions powered by this new technology as is Microsoft. In its latest release, Office 365 includes “intelligent” functionality for analyzing your employee’s time and coaching them on how to use it more efficiently. What is MyAnalytics? Microsoft’s newest productivity offering is […]